All in Illinois

All in Illinois was a covid response from the state to stay inside and safe during the pandemic. Adding the word “all” takes it from an ask of an individual to an emotional, united community rally cry. All in Illinois allowed Illinoisans to come together in a time that we couldn’t physically be. Our team at OKRP worked closely with the Governor’s office to bring this movement to life with determination and authenticity.

Mask Safety 

I was able to take the design that was created for the mask safety campaign and tailor it to fit the need of some signage at the Junior Livestock Expo. It turned out to be a fun and reputable way to encourage mask safety among the young participants.


CCO: Laura Fegley

GCD / Head of Design: Marian Williams

Creative Team: Angela Coster, Jen Bills, Andrea Knowles, Pat Durkin, Bob Jensen, Jose Gordillo

Design Team: Margaret Kots, Sam Baliga, Chelsea Coolsaet


Illinois Tourism


Ace Hardware Grill Masters